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Alpha Chi IS our home away from home–where we live and learn, crash and congregate, eat and entertain. It is where we feel secure and safe. It is a place to have fun, let our hair down and be ourselves. For 100 years, it has been our treasured home, transforming more than 2,300 sorority women who walked in as strangers and left as lifelong friends. What we learn from living in the chapter house is invaluable as we transition from our childhood homes to making it on our own after college. Members typically live in the chapter house their sophomore year. Members who do not live in the house are welcome to have meals, study, and spend time there. 


In the summer of 2013, the house completed a major renovation on the main floor and lower level. Alpha Nu chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was honored to receive the "Major Renovation of the Year" award by AXO National Headquarters at the 2014 National Convention. Renovations continue on the second and third floors.


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